On June 7th, sixteen amateur boxers stepped into the ring to not only fight for themselves but more importantly to fight for the youth at the Pinball Clemons Ambassador School Program. The motivation for each of these fighters started off as something different; whether it be to get back into shape, reinvigorate a previous love for boxing, or to simply express their philanthropic desires in a unique way.

Although initial motivations varied, by the end of the 5-month training sessions all of our boxers were collectively motivated to help bring the Pinball Clemons Ambassador School youth from the margins to mainstream.
“This event allows youth the opportunity to know that someone is in their corner, rooting for them to succeed even when the idea of this may seem so farfetched”. In addition to leaving the event in the best shape of your life, those individuals who bravely enter the ring leave with new friendships and the feeling of changing the lives of marginalized youth.”
- Anthony Xerri, Victory Charity Ball Boxer

If words aren’t enough for you to understand the impact becoming a boxer makes. Check out this incredible 2018 VCB highlight video from Stature Films.
We are already entering the recruitment process for Victory Charity Ball 2019! If you have any interest in becoming a boxer or further questions regarding the event, please send us an email at info@victorycharityball.com.
See you next year!!