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Recipient of the Dr. Alexandra Bastiany Black Legends Bursary: ONOME




Georgian College

Field of Study/ Major

Bachelor of Science in Nursing

Please share what the Bursary program has meant for you so far in your post-secondary journey (mentorship, financial aid, career assistance)

The Pinball Clemons bursary program is my stepping stone into the future I would like to build for myself. This bursary allows me to focus solely on my academic studies without the hardships of financial strain. It has allowed me to learn perseverance, dedication, and an eagerness to expand my knowledge. The mentorship program teaches us to maintain motivation through the high workload and expectations, our mentors have a high confidence in our abilities and encourage us to strive for success. I have a system I can depend on to support me and redirect me onto the right path. Every other Saturday mentorship is an opportunity to learn new things and make goals in areas of my life that need recognition. Gathering together in a space that encourages vulnerability and honesty has provided me with a sense of family I did not know I needed.

⁠Any comments you would like to share about being matched with the Black Legend that your September 2023 Bursary was named after.

It is an honour to be granted the Dr. Alexandra Bastiany bursary as a young black woman pursuing a career in the medical field. She is an inspirational figure to me because of her contributions to the medical field and the young individuals looking to pursue a medical career. Her achievements highlight the hard work she put into breaking barriers and overcoming challenges put in place to exempt black individuals from success. She motivates me to pursue my aspirations, despite living in a world that often confines young black individuals to a predetermined narrative.

2023 Academic/Personal Highlight

The September semester as a first-year college student did not take place exactly how I envisioned, fortunately, the semester allowed me to build many friendships with different sorts of people and improve my social skills. This year has taught me to come out of my comfort zone since it is not going to hurt, for example, earlier in the year I joined the girl's rugby team, never in a million years would have thought I would be on a rugby team but I learned new skills, teamwork and built my confidence. Although it did hurt, leaving my comfort zone was the best thing I could do for myself in 2023. Changing my narrative and attitudes towards life has benefitted me in many ways. Instead of complaining and comparing, I appreciate and adapt. Practicing gratitude and appreciating everything you already have, allows me a positive outlook on life and an improvement in my health. Adapting lets me develop new skills and maintain an open mind to new things, increasing my personal growth. My greatest achievement in 2023 was not only passing all of my classes during the first semester but also being awarded an academic scholarship that would support me through my post-secondary education and a lovely new family.


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