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Recipient of the Jeffrey Orridge Black Legends Bursary: TIA




George Brown College

Field of Study/ Major

International Business Administration

Please share what the Bursary program has meant for you so far in your post-secondary journey (mentorship, financial aid, career assistance)

Having been in the Margin to Mainstream Bursary program for the past 2 years going on 3, I can safely say that my academic journey has and continues to improve significantly, with the aid of finances (post secondary education tuition, etc.), assistance in both building and developing my career path (resume workshops, job opportunities, interview practices), as well as the hosting of bi-weekly mentorship sessions. I have learnt so much within this timeframe and this gained knowledge I will forever take with me on my life's journey. Being a part of this program has made me feel like I am a part of one great big family. A family of people who love and care so much about me that they do anything in their power to see to it that I successfully leave/graduate college. If there is one thing I am sure about is that no matter what happens, no matter how gloomy the skies may seem, or how dark life may feel, the load is never too great as there are always people that I can count on- the Pinball Clemons Foundation M2M family. I continue to keep my head up and achieve greatness in my studies with their continuous help and for that I will forever be grateful.

⁠Any comments you would like to share about being matched with the Black Legend that your September 2023 Bursary was named after.

It is a great honor to be presented with the Jeffrey Orridge Bursary, awarded for the 2023/2024 academic year in the Pinball Clemons Foundation Mainstream Bursary program named in honor of a Black Legend (Jeffrey Orridge), in celebration of Black History Month. I excitedly look forward to any future opportunities that this award may bring. I would also like to say a great thank you to both the Jeffrey Orridge and Pinball family for all your work and including me in this Bursary.

2023 Academic/Personal Highlight

2023 was definitely a year to remember but focusing mainly on the positive, I would say that there are a few things that definitely deserve to be highlighted.

2023 Personal highlight: In all my years on this earth, I had never begun to lose myself the way I did in this year. Not only did my mental health completely begin to deteriorate, my self-worth and self-esteem did too. However before it was too late, I picked myself up, sought the necessary help, did whatever else needed to be done, and completely turned my life around. This for me has to be my personal highlight as the results of doing so has left me with nothing but joy, inner peace, and a more positive outlook on many aspects of life. I am very proud of the strong, resilient young woman I have become and continue to be today.

2023 Academic Highlight: From January 2023- August 2023, I landed a job with an amazing small business by the name of "The Whiteboard Collective" where I gained and developed on my personal and interpersonal skills, however, after not being in school for 8 whole months, returning the next semester felt a bit new. It took me a while to get settled again and catch up with the work pace. After realizing though how low my grades were going, I decided then that enough was enough. I buckled up, hit the gas, and sped right into success and with that, my grades significantly improved leaving me with a 3.45 GPA in the end. It is safe to say that I am beyond proud of myself.


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