York university
Field of Study/ Major
Please share what the Bursary program has meant for you so far in your post-secondary journey (mentorship, financial aid, career assistance)
All of the support from The bursary program allowed me to be more confident as a person which led to better grades and decision making for myself. Besides the financial assistance I am incredibly grateful for the people at the foundation as they provided me with a space where I can discuss anything I need. I truly see them as family and can’t wait for future events!
Any comments you would like to share about being matched with the Black Legend that your September 2023 Bursary was named after.
I had the pleasure of meeting with Rosemary Sadlier at the Youth Lead Conference event. She is truly a power figure in the black community and listening to her speak was empowering. I am lucky to have met such an influential black Canadian!
2023 Academic/Personal Highlight
Completed all courses successfully