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You(th) Lead Conference: Spring 2023

On Saturday, April 22nd, 2023, we had our 3rd You(th) Lead Conference at Hotel X Toronto. This amazing event brought together industry executives to empower future leaders. 100 post-secondary students received valuable career advice from 80 executives from 53 companies.

The day started with a warm welcome by our founders, Diane and Michael ‘Pinball’ Clemons, followed by a speed networking session. Throughout 6 rounds of speed mentorship, executive mentors shared their experiences and wisdom with the youth. Students and executives were given the opportunity to continue their conversations during the power-hour networking lunch.

The day ended with two breakout sessions with our special guests from the entertainment industry: Jesse Jones,Tyrone Edwards, Duane "D.O." Gibson”, Miranda Anthistle, Kevin Bourne, and Tracy Tong, who happily shared their stories and inspired our youth.

Thank you to our amazing sponsors for making this incredible event possible; Our Presenting Sponsor - Selen Alpay with Canadian Tire #360, Resource Integrated Ltd., and Accelerate Auto.

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